Let us build and hand over the keys to your COVID-proof turnkey online business
Let us build and hand over the keys to your COVID-proof turnkey online business
If you don't have a $25k High Ticket Coaching Program...You can't sell one
You hear about all these coaches selling programs for $10k to $25k or higher, and you wish you had one of your own that you could sell.

Trouble is you need to create soooo much content!  Your clients need your knowledge in the form of easy to follow powerpoint presentations, videos, pdf workbooks, email follow-up, marketing templates.

If you are a funnel builder, facebook ads agency, SEO agency or copywriter, chances are you are not providing much sales or marketing coaching, consulting beyond the immediate relevance of the specific service/product you are providing to your clients.......
Blow your customers minds with your:
The E-Learning System
and Resource Library
Completely branded to you
There's only so many times you can explain what a USP is or how to get leads online or how to build joint ventures etc...before you start seriously thinking about poking cocktail sticks in your eyes!  
So you say "I'll record all my knowledge on video and sell an online course"....

...Only you've been saying that for the past 5 freakin' years!!! Let's face it, if you haven't done it by now, you're probably never going to do it.  

The great news is, we've already done it FOR YOU.  
All we need is a photo of you and your company name, and we'll get your entire video tutorial series, website and funnels with all the page and video content branded to you in less than 3 weeks!
Our E-Learning System is an online  coaching platform that many of today’s top coaches and industry experts are calling the single, most powerful client attraction and results-producing program ever created.

We’ve been developing this system for the past 10 years… and more than $2 million dollars has been invested building the “perfect” online small business coaching platform.

We will build you your OWN E-Learning platform, and brand it specifically to you and your coaching practice. As you see in the example above, we place your picture, your name and your coaching practice 
directly onto your platform. We give you full ownership rights as well.

With your branding on it, this will appear to your prospects and clients as though you spent $2 million dollars developing this on your own.

Our goal was to create the perfect “online coach” that could handle all the “grunt” work for you as a business coach. Most coaches spend their time with their clients giving them information. Information doesn’t get results! It’s the implementation of information that does.

Our E-Learning System will free you up so you can spend your valuable one-on-one coaching time helping your clients IMPLEMENT the information the online program delivers to them on your behalf… and you 
will see their revenue and profits skyrocket when you do.
The E-Learning System and Resource Library is simply too large to describe.
120+ hours of training you can give your clients
(yeah I know, my haircut is terrible!  I took the photo in a hurry!)
Now, you absolutely do not have to use our system.  

You could spend thousands of dollars buying a super snazzy camera and lighting setup, build 150 powerpoint presentations, record and edit them...again...and again....and again....and never be happy with the results, and consequently NEVER LAUNCH your high-ticket coaching course.....

You could try our system out, and there's no $70,000 licence fee, or long term contract.  

If you hate it (which you won't), just give us 30 days notice and we'll shut your site down and owe us nothing.
Complete Done-For-You Infusionsoft Online Marketing Campaign
Your Own Million Dollar  Sales Process
Successful coaching today demands that coaches continually nurture the precious few leads they generate from networking, joint ventures, webinars and live events. Unfortunately most coaches attempt to do this manually, which leads to sporadic communications at best… and often a complete and total failure to do any meaningful follow-up whatsoever! 

Let LPW develop the latest, most effective prospect follow-up system available anywhere today.
Here’s the sequence we put into place for you…
  • Prospects are invited to a webinar titled How Business Owners Can Build A 7 Figure Business From A Standing Start.
  • For those that register, they immediately receive two “indoctrination” videos to prepare them for the webinar and to display your preeminence and expertise as a business coach.
  • On the day of the webinar, they receive four reminder emails to ensure a higher show rate.
  • ​We track who registers and who doesn’t… who attends and who doesn’t… who stays on the webinar and for how doesn't
  • ​EVERY one of these “behaviors” is tracked and dealt with individually with customized emails designed to elicit specific behavioral responses from each prospect to keep them engaged with you and responding to future offers.
  • ​At the end of the webinar, prospects that stay are offered the $10k Challenge.
  • ​Prospects that left early or failed to show up are reinvited to an “encore” webinar.
  • ​Prospects that didn’t register are invited to a different webinar 2 weeks later titled Everything You Know About Generating Leads Is WRONG! and this entire sequence repeats for them.
  • ​For those that don’t accept the webinar offer, they’re sent an objection handling campaign that features two compelling videos and reinforces the value of the information they received in the webinar… ending again with your $10k Challenge offer.
  • ​After that, they enter your countdown campaign that features two more videos featuring case studies to reinforce your ability to get them results… ending again with your $10k Challenge offer.
Profit Acceleration Software™ - Full Package
Ideally, as a coach or consultant, you should have your “secret sauce,” your “ace up your sleeve.”
We’ve pioneered a revolutionary software package that will change the coaching profession forever.
We’ve all seen legendary marketing geniuses throw out piercing questions to business owners and uncover hidden nuggets of opportunity that have the potential to propel that business to an entirely new level… and we wish we had that capability to do the same… consistently… and with any type of business.
Our Profit Acceleration Software ™ will allow you to do all of that… and more.
Unprecedented in the coaching profession, our software gives you the ability to create exponential financial growth for any business in any industry, across multiple categories of business growth (lead generation, 
lead conversion, increased transactions, higher pricing, referral systems, direct mail, internet marketing, joint ventures, etc.).
80% + of all sales are visually  stimulated, and coaching is no different.
Our software program visually stimulates your prospects using both figures and graphs to create a dramatic visual repre-sentation of the financial results you can produce for their business.

This software will handle 90% of the prospect closing presentation for you, allowing you to convert more prospects into higher paying coaching clients. You can show them how your coaching delivers a positive return on investment (ROI) before the prospect hires you.
  • It provides you with the right questions to ask your prospects… in the right order… just like an attorney never asks a question they don’t already know the answer to;
  • It enables you to uncover business breakthroughs in a multitude of strategic areas for any business;
  • It records each financial breakthrough you find your clients as a % increase in both revenue and profit;
  • ​It provides information in a graphical format - visually stimulating for prospects;
  • ​It displays the additional annual revenue you uncover and compares that revenue to your coaching fee (in blue in the graph above) — this stark contrast between the two makes hiring you to coach them a total no-brainer decision.
Profit Acceleration Software™ Training
Any time ground breaking software is introduced to any industry, you 
must learn how to properly use it to YOUR advantage.
Through our step-by-step training, you will quickly master this powerful tool and use it to dominate your competition for as long as you remain a coach.
We’ll show you:
  • How to create eye-opening assessments that dramatically influence your prospects decision to hire you;
  • Scripts to use when you interview prospects or clients to ensure you get the answers you want;
  • How to perform a complete assessment so you maximize your results while you minimize your time;
  • ​How to access reports and graphs that convince each prospect you speak with that they would be a complete idiot not to hire you;
  • ​How to close the prospect into a long term, high(er) paying client.
The questions used throughout the software have been carefully crafted so each prospect you meet with fully realizes that the processes they’re using in their business are costing them dearly in terms of revenue and profit.

As you consistently uncover MAJOR revenue breakthroughs in multiple areas of their business, hiring you as their coach becomes a no-brainer decision!
80% + of all sales are visually  stimulated, and coaching is no different.
Our software program visually stimulates your prospects using both figures and graphs to create a dramatic visual repre-sentation of the financial results you can produce for their business.

This software will handle 90% of the prospect closing presentation for you, allowing you to convert more prospects into higher paying coaching clients. You can show them how your coaching delivers a positive return on investment (ROI) before the prospect hires you.
Quick Start Software
All LPW coaches receive the Quick Start  version of our Profit Acceleration Software™.
Are you tired of failing to close prospects into longterm clients? The Quick Start software allows you to 
become a genius in front of any prospect with “paintby-number” simplicity.
Here’s the challenge:
You meet with a prospect and they’re desperate for guidance and financial breakthroughs. You’ve got great skills and experience, but when it comes to their unique set of challenges, you’re able to offer some generic advice… but you struggle to:
  •  Ask them specific questions that convince them that most of what they’re doing in their business is WRONG!
  • ​Pinpoint the specific areas within their business where they’re overlooking massive potential revenue increases
  • ​Offer a clear and concise step-by-step roadmap they can follow over 12 months that will double their revenue and profits,
  • ​Find them a minimum of $100,000 in overlooked revenue… and do so in less than 45 minutes,
  • ​Show the monetary impact of each step they should take,
  • ​Convince them they would be foolish not to hire you,
  • ​And do it all without selling!
Most coaches walk away from their prospect meetings thinking to themselves, “I should have asked this question. I should have pointed out that opportunity.”
This Quick Start Software allows you to ask penetrating questions across multiple areas of business growth and show the specific financial impact of each recommended action!
The results are displayed in a series of compelling visual graphs that greatly influences their final decision to hire you to coach them. 

Furthermore, all revenue figures are automatically inserted into a closing script which you can refer to as you close the sale.
Copyright Jason Economides 2020 - All Rights Reserved.